The trip to Cyprus was remarkable. First it was the first trip I made and second because I found a fantastic experience. I found it very interesting to see so many young people interested in the environment and its problems. I enjoyed the good atmosphere that existed between countries and get to know other cultures. It was very tiring due to tight schedules we had but it was worth it.
I Fell in the reality that not all countries are like Portugal. The near absence of recycling left me shocked because for me it is a normal thing in everyday life. Never thought visiting a dumpster and never thought these still exist. I realized that the garbage in Cyprus is a big problem and that if the world does not change the nature will disappear.
I found the lectures video, photo and article very interesting and liked to have participated in the three workshops.
In sum I recommend everyone to participate in these kind if activities because it will stay as a life experience.
Jessica Mira