Ano letivo: 2021-22

Dois C’s marcam 1º Web Summit pós-pandemia

Dois C’s marcam 1º Web Summit pós-pandemia

A maior conferência de tecnologia do mundo teve lugar em Lisboa entre os dias 1 e 4 novembro e contando com a presença de mais de 40 mil participantes, tendo o primeiro dia ficado marcado pela intervenção de alguns oradores emblemáticos como Carlos Moedas, Pedro Siza Vieira e Paddy Cosgrave.

Luís Caixado: from YRE to Web Summit

Luís Caixado: from YRE to Web Summit

Luís Caixado started as a Young Reporter for the Environment when he was in high school. Being the 2nd young reporter in Portugal, he explained, during this interview, how the program changed his life and made him grow to be, today, an entrepreneur present at the biggest technology conference in the world.

Nas Daily: the one minut guy

Nas Daily: the one minut guy

During his press conference at Web Summit, Nas Daily talked about the role of new means of information (such as social media and Youtube Videos) and their increased importance. The content creator who has more than 3 million followers on Instagram, also reacted to the polemics around Facebook.

Impossible Foods: the secret for “Zero Hunger”?

Impossible Foods: the secret for “Zero Hunger”?

What if meat consumers could save the planet? During his Web Summit press conference, Patrick Brown, founder & CEO of Impossible Foods, explained the role of his startup in fighting climate change, by creating products that taste like meat, produced in a plant-based manner.