Beesage: the honey revolution?
Can smart hives save the planet? Create more honey, protect the bees worldwide and help fight the loss in biodiversity of flower species around beehives? These are some of the goals of BeeSage, the data set that aims to revolutionize apiculture work as we know it today.

Web Summit 2021 : Startups for sustainability
Startups with innovative ideas, making the most of the digital transition and promising a better future. This is only a bit of what we can find at Web Summit. But what if we can go further and create startups that challenge themselves to go far beyond the digital transition, working to achieve a climatic revolution too? In this video, there are some examples of how technology can save the world.

“BlocPower” Transforma os Edifícios em Teslas
Da mesma forma que o motor de um Tesla retira o combustível fóssil de um veículo, encontramo-nos a utilizar o mesmo processo para substituir os equipamentos com origem em combustíveis fósseis dos edifícios” explica-nos Donnel Baird, CEO e cofundador da ‘startup’ de energia renovável “BlocPower”, sediada em Brooklyn (Nova Iorque), nos Estados Unidos da América.
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