Ano letivo: 2023-24

Consciência Sustentável

Consciência Sustentável

Na Escola de Aver-o-Mar o ambiente é uma disciplina obrigatória. Aqui mais do que ensinar a ter responsabilidade e consciência ambiental, dá-se o exemplo, fazendo escolhas sustentáveis no dia a dia escolar.

The Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Turkey and Portugal: the case of Tagus Estuary and the Marmara Region

The Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity in Turkey and Portugal: the case of Tagus Estuary and the Marmara Region

The Marmara Region and the Tagus Estuary play an important role for Turkey and Portugal, respectively, and in particular regarding biodiversity. Considering the phenomenon of Climate Change and all the implications that underlie it, biodiversity in these regions is at risk, and there is an urgent need for comprehensive mitigation and adaptation measures to safeguard these vital marine ecosystems for future generations.