Rivers represent people’s natural wealth and make the appearance of the planet more beautiful. Nevertheless, they are increasingly polluted every day. That’s the case with Spill, the river that flows through the town of Risan, in Montenegro and Ave, in the north of Portugal.
On April 12th, 2022 the group of young environmental reporters visited the son of the miller Mr. Narciso Gonçalves, at the old watermill in Riba de Ave.
Mr. Narciso told about the changes in the river due to the pollution. A few years ago, the River Ave has undergone a radical change in its colour due to the industrial inkwells, that feverishly affected the clear waters of the River Ave. 60 years ago, the river water was so clean that one of the tricks was to throw a coin into the river and whoever took it would keep it. After the construction of the industries, which day the river have different colors, and it is not possible to find the coin. This man has testified the degradation of water of the river and its borders. The things that also has changedin in the last 60 years, was not just the construction of industries and textile factories, but the declining of riparian vegetation like the alder (Alnus glutinosa), ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and Willow tree (Salix). While in some other cities (like Risan, Montenegro), you can find Oleander (Nerium oleander), Laurel (Laurus nobilis) and pomegranate (Punica granatum), these plant species are very characteristic for coastline of rivers. During the past few years, the number of species which are growing next to the river is growing, but none of them is usually for this place.
Mr. Narciso, tells several species predominated, in river Ave, such as eles (Anguilla anguilla), bogas fish (Boops boops), barbel fish (Barbus barbus); fish scales (Squalius caroliterti) and trou (Salmo truta), have disappear least ears. In Risan, earlier we had couple of species like mullet (Mugil cephalus) and many others, while now we have only spiny catfish (Acanthodoras cataphractus) which is not good for usage.
Mr. Narciso’s opinion is that the river can be saved but the fish are not good to be eaten. They taste like oil and are toxic. Nevertheless, this man has hope that teens now can turn the river like it was before.
What the son of the miller asks is that the new generation contributes with simple things like not dropping garbage on the floor.
Therefore, river Spila is near school in Risan. In the past, it was very clean and accessible. Today, however, that’s not the case. Over time, The Spila became more polluted and there was more and more waste in it. Right now, it poses a great danger to the plant and animal world, and since it is in my school, it is a disappointment in the eyes of the studen.
In interview with Jelena Vukovic, works at Municipality of Kotor as Counselor for natural heritage, within department for protection of natural and cultural heritage. Also, she has finished Master studies for protection of the environment, she find the water quality in Risan, according to reports on water quality for previous waters, the water from the source in Kotor and therefore in Risan in of excellent physical and chemical quality. Since the microbial parameters were not appropriate, the only treatment performed was disinfection. It is also the only treatment that has been subjected to drinking water. For her solving the problem with pollution of Spila river are: do not dump waste in the riverbed, during the summer months when it dries up, prohibit possible wastewater drainage from the septic tanks of the surrounding houses. Infortantly the proximity of the school, there’s a large amount of waste by the kids passing by.

Banks of the river Ave, april 2022

The Spila becomes salty during the summer months, so it’s not usable to drink. Most of the rubbish can be spotted on the banks of the river.
This is just a small part, and the real part is a disgrace to the place, destroying the look of The Spila and damaging the health of all the locals.
The plans for resolving the problem are as follows:
– Clear the river and collect garbage once a week
– To include all locals in this problem
– Embed purification filters

The polluted banks of the Spila. A clear river today has such unclean shores.
We can only solve these problems if we all come together. Otherwise, our rivers will get worse and worse, and then we won’t be able to take anything else.
We must try for beauty, nature, but also for ourselves.
That’s how the Rivers can to recover.
For this, simple acts such as not throwing garbage on the floor are enough. Is very difficult?
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