#TrashHack #UNESCO #ASPnetUNESCO #LitterLessCampaign #EcoSchoolsStayActive #YREStayActive #LEAFanywhere
Compost – 0% Wasted, 100% Valued
How can you use your organic waste in a productive way while helping the ambient? In the current times, we are locked in our homes, however that does not mean we can´t help the environment. One good way to spend your time and be ecological is by creating a small garden in your home and use compost as a natural fertilizer.
Composting is the process of decomposing organic solid wastes, like wasted foods, to create a substance with many nutrients and minerals to use as fertilizer for plants. The decomposing process works by chopping the organic matter into small pieces, put in a specific container (called composter) and constantly add water and air to the mixture, so it becomes humus. Microorganisms break up the organic material to produce the compost. This process needs specific quantities of each “ingredient” in order to make a better fertilizer and can take a long time.
Gardening can be a real god activity for your family since it is relaxing and keeps you in contact with nature. Also, since you are using an ecological fertilizer, you are not polluting the environment. Likewise, because most people are in lockdown, they make more homemade food whose wastes can be used as organic matter for the compost and if you are thinking in using the compost for home-produced vegetables for eating this also a great way to not spend money in fertilizer and in food.

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