Being part of Benfica, Campolide, Ajuda, São Domingos de Benfica, São Francisco Xavier, Alcântara e Santa Maria de Belém parishes, the Monsanto park is considered the largest in Portugal and one of the largest in Europe.
Located in the center of the Portuguese capital, the park plays a crucial role by providing an habitat to the many existing animal and vegetable species, since they cannot adapt to the urban lifestyle.

Example of fauna and flora in the park
So, it was created the Biodiversity Route (“Rota da Biodiversidade”), which aims to enhance its relevance in the conservation of more than 150 species of fauna and flora, and the Green Corridor (“Corredor Verde”), which allows the straight connection between different parts of Lisbon for cyclists and pedestrians.

Flora in the park
In the 90´s was inaugurated the Biodiversity Space (“Espaço da Biodiversidade”), with the purpose of establishing an area dedicated to the nature conservation. Having, among others, a bird observatory and a FitoEtar, this space occupies approximately, 16 hectares.
Due to the impact in Biodiversity, it was signed, in March, 17th, 2016, the forest management certificate in the ambit of the FSC, which came from the fact that the city hall of Lisbon complies with the standard agreement of responsible management, controlling the park in an ecological way.

Trail in the park
Despite the Biodiversity perspective, the Monsanto Forest Park gathers the equipment that allows the use of ludic activities through spaces like the Picnic Park, the Recreative Parks and the Camping Parks.

Where Nature meets the city
Therefore, it´s noticeable the connection between the Monsanto Forest Park and the city of Lisbon, since both are intrinsically linked and complement each other, allowing the coexistence between Men and all the other species.
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