
Mothers-of-water saved, give life to Seven Fountains Park

In the fountain area of Braga city, you can easily see restored granite structures from the 18th century, called mothers-of-water. The ...

Immiscible destinies

Cooking oil is widely used in food preparation, in restaurants or in more home-made environments. However, many people do not recycle the ...

The Water Fountains That New Generations No Longer Drinks

Fountains in ancient times... The need to always have at home a pot or a jug with water..." was the greatest origin of fountain creation, as ...

The water fountains that the new generation no longer drinks

Fountains in ancient times... The need to always have at home a pot or a jug with water..." was the greatest origin of fountain creation, as ...

Good atitudes, clean water

"In the old days, there was no running water at home, I had to walk more than half a kilometer to fetch water and fill the vessel", comments ...

Boas atitudes, água limpa

"Antigamente não havia água canalizada em casa, tinha de percorrer mais de meio quilómetro para ir buscar água e encher a vasilha", comenta ...

Passeio pedestre a uma ponte Romana

A turma de Turismo Ambiental e Rural do 11 D, realizaram um passeio pedestre para identificar a biodiversidade da nossa região, associando ...

Turismo Ambiental

Os alunos de Turismo Ambiental e Rural na Disciplina de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural, foram descobrir o turismo da nossa região.

Biodiversidade na EPDRAC e Coudelaria de Alter do Chão

Os alunos de Turismo Ambiental e Rural, na disciplina de ADR (Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural) foram estudar a biodiversidade local.

Espécies Invasoras: Testemunho e reflexão

A propósito da Semana Nacional sobre Espécies Invasoras, os alunos do Agrupamento de Escolas de Paço de Sousa, no âmbito do Programa ...

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