
Healing fruit of the Mediterranean from the Tree of Life

Olive trees can live for thousands of years. They are a good example of sustainability. Turkey and Portugal are producers of olives and ...

Limestone, Oysters, and Responsible Consumption

All over the world, a recurring environmental goal is to develop responsible, balanced consumption and production rates that keep ...

Sustainable Consumption and Production of Oysters and Limestone

In our world today, conservation of limited resources is very important. It is crucial to assure we produce and put products back into the ...

On a Path to Sustainable Oyster Farming and Limestone Substitutes

Oyster reefs are in major decline along both the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. This is important because oyster reefs stabilize shorelines, ...

Is There a Definitive Way to Conserve our Environment Involving Oysters and Limestone?

Through United Nation Sustainable Development Goals, Goal #12, several students from two different countries are investigating the ...

The Rising Issues Involving Limestone and Oysters

Goal 12 of the Sustainable Development Plan is “responsible consumption and production.” It is important to regulate the resources we ...

Plantações na horta

A horta está a renascer, após o inverno chuvoso e frio. A primavera começou e nada melhor para assinalar o Dia Mundial da Floresta do que… ...

Agualva-Cacém: A “cidade-dormitório”

Nas “cidades dormitório” as atividades existentes não são suficientes para empregar e fixar a sua população ativa, o que leva a maioria dos ...

“ Eixo Verde e Azul ”

Concelhos juntam-se para criar um "pulmão" de Queluz ao Jamor. Foi aprovado o desenvolvimento do “corredor verde”. Consiste na construção ...

Resíduos Urbanos no Cacém e São Marcos

É cada vez mais frequente a presença de sujidade nas nossas ruas, não só na freguesia de Cacém e São Marcos, mas em todo o concelho de ...

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