“Think Globally, Develop Locally’’
At present times, the balance between nature and society is harder to find and many people start to think on how to attain such a thing, advocating for sustainable development. Some of those people, the Silveira Tech Regeneration Village staff, are building a regenerative and technologically advanced community in an abandoned village, located in Serra da Lousã, Portugal.

Will the winds of change blow wildfires away?
Located at the heart of the Lousã saw, the Lousã municipality has not remained immune to the catastrophic fires that threaten the country. Despite its short dimension, in 2022, Portugal registered one of the highest percentages of burnt areas within Europe. Heavily debated and accelerated by factors such as climate change, some specialists state that this paradigm can shift.

Blue water, Blue Flag?
With summer approaching and the weather getting hotter, people are looking for ways to cool down and get a break from the high temperatures, to which Lousã offers the perfect solution with its river beaches. In the municipality there are 3 river beaches, 2 of which have attained the Blue Flag Certification.

Nature tourism in Lousã: a glimpse into the past
Benefiting from the idyllic scenery of the Lousã saw, nature tourism is highly popular, having experienced a post-pandemic boost. Mainly found in the area surrounding the Schist Villages, this category of tourism is characterized by responsible traveling that aims to conserve the environment, involving activities in the countryside and the improvement of local welfare.
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