José Cerdeira: 83 anos de histórias para contar, 30 anos dedicados à manutenção da tradição da região
É na pequena povoação de Casalinho de Baixo que José Cerdeira de 83 anos, se dedica ao cultivo da terra e da tradição da região. Este artesão recria diversos engenhos tradicionais utilizados na agricultura dando um importante contributo para as feiras de artesanato e para uma das tradições mais festivos das aldeias portuguesas: o Entrudo….

Rainbow Trouts: the story of Humberto Garcia
Viveiro de Trutas Arco-Íris is a place which was created by Humberto Garcia, near the Sótão river. He first got inspired when he went to Serra da Estrela where he was able to contact with a fishpond of trouts. He considered it an excellent idea and he decided to recreate it in Góis, since the…

Loural Village
Loural Village used to be an abandoned typical village, this project gave it life again, using money from a European found. It is the prototype of sustainable development. In other words, Loural is a project that tries to respect the Portuguese culture, particularly the traditional rural villages, as well as focus on the environmental sustainability….

Góis matters
Nowadays, people get fascinated by big cities, luxuries and facilities but there’s a whole new world, a natural one where people and nature exist in harmony. Such place is Góis, a village surrounded with forests. Góis, one of the oldest villages in Portugal, with approximately 900 years of existence was built around the river Ceira…
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