Study on Carbon Footprint – An international collaborative project
Humankind has been destroying planet Earth simply with their daily activities. The latest environmental catastrophes – stronger tornadoes, lethal hurricanes and typhoons, heat waves, droughts and floods – can be faced as natural warnings. Despite some skeptics, these have become hotspot issues since the population is more concerned about the evolution and consequences of the planet’s destruction. By calculating our environmental footprint, environmentalists believe it might be easier for us to become more aware of our impact and therefore control or reduce it. Students from Portugal and Turkey have been involving their school mates and families in measuring their carbon footprint.

Alterações climáticas
Para cumprir as exigências do concurso EDP – TWIST 2018 fase – Smartphone Movie Festival – realizámos um pequeno vídeo que espelha o que os alunos da Escola Secundária de Arouca, pensam sobre o efeito de estufa e o que estão dispostos a fazer para o minimizar. Para que o trabalho tenha máxima visibilidade, decidimos mostrá-lo, também, no JRA.

Healing fruit of the Mediterranean from the Tree of Life
Olive trees can live for thousands of years. They are a good example of sustainability. Turkey and Portugal are producers of olives and olive oil. “What are the environmental characteristics favorable to olive growth? Which natural factors affect their production? Is the increase in olive oil production incompatible with environmental sustainability?”. The United Nations define sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. According to UNESCO, education is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development and an essential tool for informed decision-making and democracy. Approaching one of the objectives for sustainable development – ensuring that society has relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature by 2030 – we have surveyed the situation of olive growth in Portugal and Turkey.

Led´s: as nossas queridas inimigas
Com a massificação da utilização da tecnologia LED, começaram a surgir interrogações e algumas certezas quanto ao seu lado negro. Esta foi-nos apresentada de forma tão excecional, que nos esquecemos da tendência consumista do ser humano, mesmo que a sua utilização não esteja totalmente a seu favor.
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