Tema JRA: Outros

Red Meat consumption – an international collaborative research

Red Meat consumption – an international collaborative research

The year is 2030. The meat industry is thriving and occupying over 80% of the world’s agricultural fields. Global warming affects countries worldwide. Plagues spread, and former endangered species can be seen only in pictures. According to the United Nations, famine has become a threatening reality. Cardiovascular and cancer diseases have risen considerably. Does this sound like a gloomy forecast or a futuristic reality? Due to the probability of such scenarios, we have decided to conduct a comprehensive study on one of the factors that has undoubtedly affected both the environment and human health: the increase of red meat consumption.

Quinta Dos Murças, Wine, Tourism and Sustainability

Quinta Dos Murças, Wine, Tourism and Sustainability

Located in Peso da Régua, district of Vila Real, Quinta dos Murças is an example of environmental preservation, in Alto Douro Vinhateiro. It was well known due to the production of Port Wine and, since it was bought by “Esporão Group”, in 2008, it began producing also wines, in Biological and Integrated Agriculture.

Troca e renova a Aldeia Circular

Troca e renova a Aldeia Circular

Vinte seis elementos de associações parcerias e alunos voluntários conheceram o projeto Aldeia Circular, promovido pela União de Freguesias de Seide . Colaboram com um centro comunitário de compostagem, com horta biológica pedagógica associada. A iniciativa ocorreu em Seide, pertencente ao município de Vila Nova de Famalicão. Esta foi a 3ª, e última ação de voluntariado ambiental local, que decorreu no âmbito da iniciativa Mais Voluntariado Jovem, promovido pela YUPI, EDUPA e Associação Famalicão em Transição, com a parceria de várias entidades, nas quais se inclui a, Agrupamento de Escolas D.Sanho I, Didáxis de Riba D’Ave, Agrupamento de Escolas de Pedome e OFICINA.

Trees – A common need

Trees – A common need

Forests are the terrestrial ecosystems with the greatest biodiversity in the world: they preserve the genetic heritage of billions of years of evolution.