What is it like living with a landfill?

The reporters have been in the landfill of Suldouro, Canedo where interviewed the local population and with the parish President.

Wastes are one of the problems of this century. If this is not separated, how can we get rid of it? The only option are the landfills. Here we know the public and politic opinion of living near one of it.

The reporters have been in the landfill of Suldouro, Canedo where interviewed the  local population and with the parish President. They knew how it works, what does population feels about it and the point of view of the local President. They took form this experience the importance of separating waste because if this is not done the landfills will appear in bulk and, eventually, near our home. This landfill has a deadline of 15 years but if the population will care more about it, this can be less necessary. .

Dany Duarte, Vasco Pinto, Kaio Domingos