Foram 5 os trabalhos de Jovens Repórteres para o Ambiente portugueses distinguidos no Concurso YRE International Competition 2016. Os prémios atribuídos aconteceram em todas as categorias e todos os escalões etários. Parabéns a todos os participantes e em especial aos premiados!
Ver Lista de premiados aqui
15-18 years old
1st Place
Title: Green Roofs – a new life to city’s monotony
Author: Angelina Grom’yak, Maria Cruz, Diogo Marques, Rodrigo Mateus, Pedro Barreira, Bárbara Machado (Portugal)
“It is well-researched and well-written with good amount of data.”
19-21 years old
2nd Place
Title: Impact of our railways
Author: Joana Pedro (Portugal)
11-14 years old
1st Place
Title: Surprising and unexpected finding
Author: João Pedro Paour Carvalho (Portugal)
“It shows the effort to understand the problem, and the story is good and well-connected to the picture. The picture is beautiful. “
11-14 years old
1st Place
Title: Energy in water
Author: Ana Daniela Silva, Bruna Silva, Inês Rodrigues (Portugal)
“A great story and well-told. Reporters managed to view the issue objectively, particularly by pointing out what improvements are still lacking, while addressing the environmental benefit of this means of transportation.”
International Collaboration
Honourable mention
Title: Bicycle: the vehicle for sustainable mentality
Author: Maria Carreira, Sharad Poudel, Martim Teixeira, Rita Costa, Kyriaki Hadjichambi, Katerina Papamiltiadous (Cyprus and Portugal)
“Good research and arguments from different perspectives are described.”]
Ver todos os trabalhos na Expousure aqui