
Save Water

Save Water

Nas nossas atividades diárias, desperdiçamos muita água. Na casa de banho, por exemplo, enquanto esperamos que saia água quente, é frequente manter a torneira aberta, deixando água limpa ir pelo cano abaixo, misturando-se com águas residuais.
Uma torneira aberta desperdiça, por minuto, 12 litros de água, que pode ser aproveitada para outros fins como lavar o chão ou regar plantas.
Porque a ação de cada um conta, é fundamental alterar hábitos, usando a água sem a desperdiçar.

We waste too much water in our daily tasks. In the bathroom, and while waiting for hot water, it’s usual to leave the tap open, allowing clean water to go down the pipe and directly mixing with grey one.
An open tap wastes 12 water liters per minute, which can be used to wash the floor or water the plants.
Since the actions of each and every one of us matters, it’s crucial to change our habits, using WATER without wasting it.

Mothers-of-water saved, give life to Seven Fountains Park

Mothers-of-water saved, give life to Seven Fountains Park

In the fountain area of Braga city, you can easily see restored granite structures from the 18th century, called mothers-of-water. The mothers-of-water are the entrance door to the treasure hidden underground. The water in the subsoil of this area was the reason for civil movements for the creation of the ecomumental park of the seven fountains.

Immiscible destinies

Immiscible destinies

Cooking oil is widely used in food preparation, in restaurants or in more home-made environments. However, many people do not recycle the oil that could be reused in the production of, for example, biodiesel. In fact, they dump it through the sink! Every drop of oil can pollute about 10,000 liters of drinking water. It…

The Water Fountains That New Generations No Longer Drinks

The Water Fountains That New Generations No Longer Drinks

Fountains in ancient times… The need to always have at home a pot or a jug with water…” was the greatest origin of fountain creation, as stated by the historian Eduardo Pires de Oliveira, adding that “They were also, one of the fundamental elements of the image of any city…”. Scattered throughout the villages where there was a spring of water gave rise to a fountain, or just a spout, as the small springs or fountains were often referred to. Fresh, crystalline and light water, as we heard the elders speak.