Light pollution in the city
By definition, light pollution, also known as luminous pollution or photopollution, is an excessive, misdirected or invasive use of artificial outdoor lighting. It is a side effect of our industrial civilization and it has been present in cities worldwide for the last 50 years. There are organisations that track the light pollution problem and provide accurate information about the levels of this sort of pollution in cities around the world, using modern technology and satellite mapping to keep us informed and aware of this phenomenon.

Cities are warming up, trees can be a solution
The annual report of the Copernicus 2020 programme concluded that the last decade was the warmest in Europe’s history, leaving no doubt about the challenges ahead for the old continent. The cities where most people live are likely to suffer the most from the global rise in temperature. Trees in cities could be one of the measures to adapt to the changes in climate.

Mar de Plástico
O nosso Planeta é o berço de civilizações e culturas, o Mediterrâneo sofre com a poluição causada pela mais recente de todas: a nossa.
Uma avaliação efetuada por investigadores de várias universidades espanholas deu conta da acumulação de resíduos de plástico na bacia do Mediterrâneo e afirma que é comparável à encontrada nos cinco giros oceânicos, onde se concentram verdadeiras ilhas de plástico.

YRE – Colaboração Internacional – Jovens Repórteres do Ambiente
Dois países duas escolas em encontro para delinear o futuro
O Mar começa aqui
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