The Sea starts Here YRE Ageilhavo Portugal – Ted Istanbul
Did you ever think where all the trash that you throw goes? Every year, thousands of trash are thrown into the seas. But why should we care about that? Why is it important? In fact, seas make oxygen that is important for us to continue our lives. Most of the oxygen we take into our bodies come from the seas. Many jobs are related to the seas, we can feed ourselves from the creatures in the sea, and most importantly, the seas regulate the Earth’s climate. But sadly, because of the things we caused there is sea pollution. So, what is sea pollution? Sea pollution is dirt, trash, and chemicals that are in the sea. It harms the creatures living in the ocean and us. Is it possible to prevent sea pollution?
To answer this question, International Exchange, which brings two countries, two schools, about 50 students together within the scope of Young Environmental Reporters came together in an International project with the motto, “The Sea Starts Here”. Starting from this concern and promoting awareness against pollution, the excessive use of plastics as well as the promotion of good practices, the Agrupamento de Escolas de Ílhavo, Portugal, and the TED Istanbul School, from Turkey, are united in the construction of a common project, involving the dynamism of ABAE’s Eco-Schools and YRE projects in realizing this challenge.

What kind of future do we want?
At this time in human history many children and young people spend a lot of time using technology and less time in nature. Many of them are not aware of plant biodiversity and its importance for life on planet. Usually children and young people are more interested in animal biodiversity. The main goals of this photo report were: awareness to protect,
know common plant species in diverse environments, know native plant species in certain environments, use technology to learn about biodiversity, call children, young people and their families to nature and contribute to SDG 4 e 15.
(YRE from Domžale and Camarate)

Barragens: Múltiplas funções e Múltiplos problemas?
As barragens são empreendimentos que exigem avultados investimentos e que trazem inegáveis benefícios para as populações mas são também muitas as suas desvantagens.

Plantas Invasoras na Escola Secundária Pinhal do Rei
As plantas invasoras estão instaladas no Jardim da Escola Secundária Pinhal do Rei, uma amostra do que se passa na região e no país. Algumas parecem ter sido plantadas como árvores decorativas (as acácias) e outras terão sido trazidas pelo vento, pelas aves ou até pelos esquilos. Percorrendo o jardim podemos observar as acácias, as canas, a erva-gorda, as azedas e até o chorão das praias (removido, esperemos que para sempre, mal foi detetado) e durante a pandemia uma nova “aquisição”, a erva – dos burros.
Apresentamos-vos as invasoras do jardim da Escola Secundária Pinhal do Rei:
Oenothera glazioviana Nome vulgar: Chorão das praias
Carpobrotus edulis Nome vulgar: erva-dos-burros
Oxalis pes-caprae Nomes vulgares: azedas trevo amarelo…
Acácia longifólia Nome vulgar : acácia das espigas
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