The Water Fountains That New Generations No Longer Drinks
Fountains in ancient times… The need to always have at home a pot or a jug with water…” was the greatest origin of fountain creation, as stated by the historian Eduardo Pires de Oliveira, adding that “They were also, one of the fundamental elements of the image of any city…”. Scattered throughout the villages where there was a spring of water gave rise to a fountain, or just a spout, as the small springs or fountains were often referred to. Fresh, crystalline and light water, as we heard the elders speak.
The water fountains that the new generation no longer drinks
Fountains in ancient times… The need to always have at home a pot or a jug with water…” was the greatest origin of fountain creation, as stated by the historian Eduardo Pires de Oliveira, adding that “They were also, one of the fundamental elements of the image of any city…”. Scattered throughout the villages where there was a spring of water gave rise to a fountain, or just a spout, as the small springs or fountains were often referred to. Fresh, crystalline and light water, as we heard the elders speak.
Good atitudes, clean water
“In the old days, there was no running water at home, I had to walk more than half a kilometer to fetch water and fill the vessel”, comments Luís Gonçalves, retired, born in 1947. The effort of many governments in seeking access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all has become a reality for many people. However, consumers don’t realize all the effort that was necessary, the path taken, to obtain quality and sustainability of this good and especially to maintain the high sanitation efficiency rate, for which it is crucial to change our unsustainable habits.
Boas atitudes, água limpa
“Antigamente não havia água canalizada em casa, tinha de percorrer mais de meio quilómetro para ir buscar água e encher a vasilha”, comenta Luís Gonçalves, reformado, nascido em 1947. O esforço de muitos governos na busca do acesso ao saneamento e higiene adequados e equitativos para todos, tornou-se uma realidade para muitas pessoas. No entanto, os consumidores não se apercebem de todo o esforço que foi necessário, do caminho percorrido, para obter qualidade e sustentabilidade deste bem e sobretudo para a manutenção da taxa de eficiência do saneamento alta, para a qual é crucial alterarmos os nossos hábitos não sustentáveis.
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