Community Action Day na Praia de São Pedro do Estoril
No âmbito da campanha Community Action Day, no dia 20 de abril de 2017, a Escola Profissional de Ciências Geográficas realizou uma recolha de lixo na Praia de São Pedro do Estoril a fim de sensibilizar e dar o exemplo às pessoas e contribuir para a preservação da biodiversidade marinha.

Black Gold in Portugal: El Dorado or our destruction?
The Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) of the Caneças Secundary School (in the municipality of Loures), with the support of the parents, travel to Peniche (West Region) to know more about the Campaign against oil and gas exploration. Within the scope of this campaign, a bicycle ride was scheduled for 26th march and the…
Landfills – Why Do We Need Them
The increase of the world’s population has led to an increase in consumption, production of goods and, consequently, an increase in the production of garbage

Sustainable Construction
Sustainable construction involves the reuse of materials that can be incorporated into the interior and exterior of the dwellings. The video addresses this and other forms of sustainable construction and resulted from an interview with Ecocivil Developed and Directed by : Gonçalo Pinto; Cristiana Silva; Mónica Silva; Francisca Silva Teacher Coordinator: Henrique da Silva
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