Tema JRA: Resíduos e Economia Circular

The “great wall”… of litter

The “great wall”… of litter

The Sermonde landfill has been receiving waste since 1999 and is about to be closed for having reached its maximum capacity.

Ecoiberia, the art of reborn

Ecoiberia, the art of reborn

The deposition of the residues in the Ecopoint gives ”life “ to the recycling process. After being separated by subtypes they go to recycling companies. ECOIBÉRIA is a company, specialized in recycling PET packaging, contributing to the implementation of a more sustainable circular economy model.

Litter: old issue, new chapter!

Litter: old issue, new chapter!

How informed are you about the impact of your garbage? Does it remain only on land? Does it travel the seas to the other side of the globe? In order to find out how well informed people are, in March we held a series of interviews about marine pollution. Ever since the last century we…

Lixo: um velho problema, agora com um upgrade!

Lixo: um velho problema, agora com um upgrade!

Lixo: um velho problema, agora com um upgrade! O quão informado está sobre o impacte do seu lixo? Será que fica apenas em terra? Será que viaja pelos mares até ao outro lado do globo? A fim de descobrir o quão informadas as pessoas estão, realizaram-se, em março, entrevistas no âmbito da poluição do meio…