Tema JRA: Resíduos e Economia Circular

“Jumbo” the supermarket

“Jumbo” the supermarket

Our following article was about our trip to the supermarket “Jumbo” in Cascais.

Cleaning Up Our Act: Working Toward Waste-Free Beaches

Cleaning Up Our Act: Working Toward Waste-Free Beaches

Though Portugal is well-known for its scenic beaches and landscapes, many overlook the tremendous work that goes into ensuring that they stay safe and clean

Waste Management in the Cascais Marina

Waste Management in the Cascais Marina

The students of YRE (Young Reporters for the Environment) visited the Cascais Marina to investigate the environmental conditions and treatment of the Marina

Hotel Baía – is it worth the name ECO Hotel?

Hotel Baía – is it worth the name ECO Hotel?

On October 31st, around 18:00 o’clock, a group of Young Reporters for the Environment from different countries went to the Hotel Baia to interview João Coruche, the Director and General Manager of the hotel.