Recycling is necessary
Collaborative work between students from Escola Profissional de Campanhã (Portugal) and Izmir Ozel Turk Koleji Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey) with the creation of a video spot on recycling.

Students at the Vocational School of Campanhã in Portugal are developing a project with a METU DF Schools Mersin in Turkey on the waste of plastic and food products. For this, students learned new ways to waste as little as possible and to adopt these in their daily lives

Students at the Vocational School of Campanhã in Portugal are developing a project with a METU DF Schools Mersin in Turkey on the waste of plastic and food products. For this, students learned new ways to waste as little as possible and to adopt these in their daily lives.

É urgente salvar os Oceanos …
No passado dia 16 de fevereiro de 2022, a turma do 8ºA do Externato Cooperativo da Benedita, no âmbito da 32º campanha do projeto CoastWatch, deslocou-se até à Praia da Polvoeira para procedermos à monotorização deste pedaço de litoral e recolher alguns resíduos.
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