Tema JRA: Resíduos e Economia Circular

Eating well versus Responsible Consumption

Eating well versus Responsible Consumption

Responsible food consumption means Respect towards food, based not only on the balance of different nutrients and components we choose but also on avoiding waste.
It involves not taking more than we can eat, not purchasing more than we will consume as well as reusing our kitchen leftovers. Earth’s resources are finite and taking care of them is a daily mission; the 5Rs should become part of everyone’s routine.

(Ir)responsible Food Consumption – An individual choice

(Ir)responsible Food Consumption – An individual choice

Our time is coming to an end. In New York, the Climate Clock predicts we only have 7 years left to change our behaviour and adopt environmentally friendly measures to prevent some effects of global warming from becoming irreversible. In the Ocean, the “Garbage patches” are vivid physical representation of our urban wastes and, in some of these “islands”, around 40 percent of the waste comes from the Fast Food industry. Moreover, regarding the United Nations interlinked Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reducing food loss and waste is critical to creating a Zero Hunger World and reach a Sustainable Development. Bearing these factors in mind, the YRE from Portugal and Slovenia have conducted a comprehensive study on Fast food and Food responsible consumption.

Ação de limpeza da praia fluvial nas margens do Rio Antuã

Ação de limpeza da praia fluvial nas margens do Rio Antuã

Durante o último confinamento fomos frequentemente passear até aos Moinhos do Ginete, nas margens do Rio Antuã, no lugar da Relva- Oliveira de Azeméis, mas encontrámos o local sujo. O lixo estava espalhado por todo o lado, pendurado nos ramos e espalhado pelas margens. Decidimos limpá-lo e pretendemos continuar a monitorizar o local. Consideramos que este é um espaço, que à semelhança de outros locais a jusante onde também existem moinhos do mesmo género, já recuperados e com nova utilização, merecia uma intervenção pública.

“Orgânico-Contigo Vale Mais”

“Orgânico-Contigo Vale Mais”

Com o objetivo de sensibilizar as crianças para o aproveitamento da matéria orgânica e ajudar os mais carenciados com a doação de alimentos, a Junta de Freguesia de Esmeriz e Cabeçudos, no concelho de Vila Nova de Famalicão, criou o Projeto “Orgânico-Contigo Vale Mais”.