Be the difference!
The purpose of my video is to show people that we have to value life. In order to have good times and a health life we have to take care of our planet , our home. Simply attitudes can change the world.We still don’t know why we’re here… we just know that in order to have a safe and happy life we need to take care of our planet, our home!
Make the difference… simply attitudes can move the world. Do your part, save our world.
A living Trash Hack
A living Trash Hack
#TrashHack #UNESCO #ASPnetUNESCO #LitterLessCampaign #YREstayactive #EcoSchoolsStayActive #LEAFanywhere
Máscaras descartáveis no lixo: uma ação pela saúde e pelo ambiente / Used disposable masks in the trash: for health and environmental action
As máscaras descartáveis protegem-nos da transmissão da COVID-19 e têm vindo a ser usadas massivamente, por serem práticas. No entanto, podem representar um sério risco para a nossa saúde e para o ambiente se não forem devidamente colocadas no lixo. Se ficarem no chão, é muito provável acabarem no mar, juntamente com os mais de oito milhões de toneladas de resíduos plásticos que são despejados anualmente nos oceanos. Aqui, transformam-se lentamente em microplásticos, com impactes muito negativos nas cadeias alimentares e nos ecossistemas.
Disposable masks protect us from COVID-19 transmission and have been used massively because they are practical. However, they can cause serious risks to our health and the environment if they are not properly put in the trash.
If they stay on the ground, they’re very likely to end up at sea, along with the more than eight million tons of plastic waste that are dumped annually into the oceans. Once in the oceans, they slowly turn into microplastics, with very negative impacts on food chains and ecosystems.
#TrashHack #UNESCO #ASPnetUNESCO #LitterLessCampaign #YREstayactive #EcoSchoolsStayActive
Máscaras descartáveis usadas, a “pandemia” dos oceanos / Used disposable masks, the oceans pandemic
As máscaras descartáveis têm sido uma das soluções para combater a propagação da COVID-19, mas transformaram-se numa “pandemia” nos oceanos. Quando caem no chão acidental ou deliberadamente, e não são apanhadas e colocadas no lixo, são levadas pelo vento e pela chuva para as linhas de água e, daí, para os oceanos.
De acordo com o relatório “Mashs on the Beach: The Impact of COVID-19 on Marine Plastic Pollution” da organização de conservação marinha OceansAsia, in 2020, terão chegado aos oceanos 1,56 mil milhões de máscaras descartáveis. Estas máscaras vão degradar-se ao longo de 450 anos, transformando-se lentamente em microplásticos, enquanto prejudicam a vida marinha e os ecossistemas.
One of the solutions to fight COVID-19 has been the use of disposable masks, but they turned to be the oceans “pandemic”. When they fall accidentally or deliberately, and are placed in the garbage, they are taken by the wind and the rain to the water lines and from there to the oceans.
According with the report “Masks on the Beach “The Impact of COVID-19 on Marine Plastic Pollution” of marine conservation organization OceansAsia, in 2020, will have arrived to the oceans 1,56 billion of face masks. These masks will take as long as 450 years to break down, slowly turning into micro plastics, while negatively impacting marine wildlife and ecosystems.
#TrashHack #UNESCO #ASPnetUNESCO #LitterLessCampaign #YREstayactive #EcoSchoolsStayActive
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