Ano letivo: 2023-24

Mel de Góis: uma tradição sustentável e lucrativa

Mel de Góis: uma tradição sustentável e lucrativa

A apicultura é uma atividade rentável na região de Góis, o que faz com que alguns empreendedores invistam neste local, apesar de esta ser uma ocupação sazonal. 

Cerro da Candosa Walkways

Cerro da Candosa Walkways

Cerro da Candosa is a village near Góis, Portugal. What makes this village so unique and different from the other villages is the “Passadiços do Cerro da Candosa”, a  600 meters long road with 450 stairs made out of wood that was built to make the area around the village visible, this project cost at…

The Tree Babyhood

The Tree Babyhood

A nursery for trees is a place which prevents the extinction of some plants and especially trees. Many plants are endangered due to wildfires, diseases or pollution; Native trees are the solution to this concerning problem, after the Governor planted pine trees everywhere in the mountains.

A big festival in a small village

A big festival in a small village

Moto club Gós is a motorcycle club that was founded in 1991. It is based in Góis, which is a small town in the central region of Portugal. Each year in August the club organizes off-road motorcycle events that increasingly promote their concern on the topic of environmental sustainability.