Tema JRA: Agricultura e Alimentação

Creativity… is just connecting things!

Creativity… is just connecting things!

The evolution of technology and environmental destruction are two very current topics. Environmental destruction is certainly a very important topic these days, as the ecosystem is increasingly being depleted. Regarding the evolution of technology, many say it has affected us negatively. So how can you join these two negative aspects and make them foster something positive and capable of innovation in the world of sustainability?

A Geologia do Vinho

A Geologia do Vinho

O património geológico compreende as ocorrências naturais de elementos da geodiversidade – geossítios – que por se tratarem de locais com minerais, rochas, fósseis, solo ou geoformas próprios nos permitem conhecer a história geomorfológica e geológica do nosso planeta. Por outro lado, os geossítios têm também valor turístico e social, dadas as vantagens que advêm…